Saturday 30 November 2013

Accounting Ledger Template

Accounting Ledger Template

Many activities are performed in business industry on daily basis. Transaction is one of the important tasks of business. Similarly it should be recorded properly. There are two types of steps first to journalize and second to post transaction ledger. Accounting ledger is an important document that defines the nature of finance and transaction. It is recognized as ''Chief book of ledger accounts or principal of ledger accounts''.

 Preparation of ledger accounts

There are three types of this process

Account; Accounts are those statement that keep record of transferring transactions.

Ledger; A book that encloses all accounts is known as ledger.

Posting; Category of writing procedure comes in posting.

There are three types of categories of journal.

  • 1. Personal account
  • 2. Real account
  • 3. Nominal account

Ledger writing

Business accounts are managed in ledgers. It is prepared according to requirement. There are two types of rules one is to determine the accounts after every transaction and other is to determine all the account's transaction after every month. The difference lies between the month and daily transaction.  The amounts tasks are handled by separating on left side and right side.


Preparation of these ledger accounts is necessary to handle financial affairs accurately. You can get assistance online. Essential details are necessary to be mentioned like debit cards entry is on left side and stars with ''To'' whereas credit side entries are on right side and starts with ''From''. These columns are created to record the entries of every transaction. Ready-made templates are available online you can easily customize them and use to manage and record your accounts. Hope you will admire our professional efforts after using these templates.
Download Accounting Ledger Template

Download Ledger Template

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